Greater Milwaukee Association of Legal Professionals
Each year, the Greater Milwaukee Association of Legal Professionals honors one of their own as the Legal Professional of the Year.

Nominations are accepted during the months of November, December and January. Any GMALP member in good standing who is employed and has at least five (5) years' legal experience is eligible to compete for this award.

Nominees are judged on the following:

Legal secretarial skills and experience;

Service to GMALP, WALP and NALS

Civic and charitable activities

Three outside judges are selected by the chairman of the Legal Professional of the Year Committee (the previous year's recipient). The panel of judges consists of one attorney, one judge and one law office administrator. Each judge has one vote. The chairman may vote only in the case of a tie.

CONGRATULATIONS to Joni Jakubowski,
2009-2010 GMALP Legal Professional of the Year


1970 Ann Hornak, PLS, CPS*
1971 Rosemary Overstreet, PLS*
1972 Winifred Lawrie
1973 Minnie Burger, PLS
1974 Carole Schmeda, PLS*
1975 Maxine E. Haas
1976 Shirley E. Markovic*
1977 Pamela D. Grabler, PLS
1978 Sharon Drew*
1979 Lucille Hartman
1980 Joan Perdue
1981 Stephanie Vukovich, PLS
1982 Maureen Gromacki, PLS*
1983 Dorothy Bundesen
1984 Elvira Behrendt
1985 Beverly Silas
1986 Carolyn Barnes
1987 Clara Cunegin
1988 Linda Wrubbel
1989 Sheri Hare
1990 Mary E. Burns, PP, PLS*
1991 Mona Garcia*
1992 Regina Carlisle-Williams
1993 Doris Curley
1994 Teresa Romdenne
1995 Anne Ihde
1996 Carin Froehlich
1997 Tamara N.T. Michalak, PP, PLS
1998 Elaine Unger, PLS
1999 Shirley E. Markovic*
2000 Elaine Unger, PLS
2001 Anne Ihde
2002 Sheri Hare
2003 Melody R. Kniess, PP, PLS
2004 Bernice E. Tresemer, PP, PLS*
2005 Barbara L. Schmidt
2009 Joni Jakubowski
* Past recipient of the WALS/WALP Award of Excellence    

The identity of the recipient of the LPY Award is kept confidential until the recipient is announced at the May installation meeting held each year.

Copyright Greater Milwaukee Association of Legal Professionals.
All rights reserved.